Turning Grief into Action with Patricia Roos

Jul 9, 2024

PATRICIA ROOS, Professor Emerita of Sociology at Rutgers University, has devoted her career to the study of inequalities, work, gender, work/family dynamics, and addiction.

Her published works, including “Gender and Work: A Comparative Analysis of Industrial Societies,” and the co-authored book with Barbara Reskin, “Job Queues, Gender Queues: Explaining Women’s Inroads Into Male Occupations,” have been important contributions to the ongoing conversation about gender dynamics in the workforce.

Beyond research, Professor Roos has taught courses in inequalities, social research, sociological writing, and addiction.

She served as Chair of the Sociology Department and Dean for the Social & Behavioral Sciences. As part of her ongoing efforts to promote equity in higher education, she contributed to the college’s Gender Equity Report and the NSF ADVANCE Institutional Transformation grant.

From fall 2018 to spring 2019, she was a fellow at the Institute for Research on Women’s seminar, working on “Public Catastrophe, Private Loss: Grief and Resilience in the Midst of the Opioid Epidemic.”

She retired in July of 2020. In May, 2024, Rutgers University Press is publishing her book about grief and resilience: “Surviving Alex: A Mother’s Story of Love, Loss, and Addiction.”

Patricia’s info: