Helping You Heal on a Toxic Planet with Eve Plews

Sep 21, 2015

Eve Prang Plews is licensed by the Florida Board of Medicine as Nutrition Counselor (LNC) and holds the prestigious title Certified Practitioner (IFMCP) by the Institute for Functional Medicine. Eve has practiced in her Sarasota clinic, Full Spectrum Health, for 27 years. She serves on the Medical Board of Advisors of the health science company Xymogen, Inc., has received the Robert Pierce Public Service Award for 24 years of dedication to the HIV support group, Healthy People with Aids, and hosts two Public Radio shows on Monday mornings: No Nonsense Nutrition on WSLR (96.5fm) in Sarasota and Alternative Health on WMNF (88.5FM) in Tampa. For more information, please visit her website at
