Holistic Dentistry During Pregnancy and Beyond with Dr. Reid Winick, DDS

Feb 19, 2017

Dentistry for Health New York is a green and sustainable dental practice designed as a haven for overall wellness. Their whole body program of Sustainable Dentistry treats the patient as a human ecosystem. Patients from all over the country, seek out Dr. Winick’s personalized treatment systems for a second opinion regarding additional options in their treatment on how to save their teeth without painful gum surgery and extractions. Patients report that Dr. Winick’s sustainable wellness programs have virtually eliminated the need for them to have periodontal surgery, the need for dental implants and improved overall wellness. In addition, Dr. Winick has established a Sleep Disorder Breathing program as a way to help patients eliminate hidden inflammation.

Dr. Reid Winick is a national lecturer to medical doctors and other health care providers. For more information, please visit his website at www.dentistryforhealthny.com.

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