Dr. Phyllis Books is a pioneer in working with the whole body and its role in the learning process. Dr. Books is an author, educator, doctor and new thought leader. She is the founder of Books Neural Therapy™, a well-documented, systematic approach to dissolving dyslexia, ADHD, head traumas, and many chronic health issues. Her book, Reversing Dyslexia: Improving Learning and Behavior Without Drugs was released in 2013 by Square One Publishing. Another book about her work, House of Miracles, was written by Bernice Dotz. Also in 2013, Dr. Books released the world’s first online treatment class for parents, The Dyslexia Reversal System. In 2014, she added online and live classes of BNT ™ for professionals.
Her formal education includes an undergraduate degree in education and English from Michigan State University, a master’s degree in interpersonal communications from the University of North Texas and a doctor of chiropractic from Parker University. She has taught and lectured in the U.S., Europe and Australia. Her alma mater granted her the Outstanding International Alumni Award for her many contributions.
Dr. Books has done extensive postgraduate work in family systems, accelerated learning styles, energy medicine, neuroscience, pediatrics and nutrition. With a last name of Books, she says she is destined to be learning forever.
Her treatment success offers encouraging proof that the brain is changeable all the time at every age. Trained in both traditional and energetic healing modalities, Dr. Books combines keen listening and diagnostic skills to help you feel better than ever. She lectures and teaches on activating new potentials and possibilities in children…of all ages.
For more information, please visit her websites at drphyllisbooks.com and booksneuraltherapy.com.
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