
Microbiome Health and Breastfeeding with Dr. Eden Fromberg

Aug 3, 2015

Dr. Eden Fromberg is an integrative, obstetrician/gynecologist, holistic women’s health specialist and osteopathic clinical professor whose innovative and engaging approach to reframing the medical dialogue and implementing effective health and wellness strategies with her patients and clients is unique and unsurpassed. Her practice in New York City and the Hudson Valley is a sanctuary for truly holistic women’s health care.  Dr. Fromberg is also the founding director of Lila Yoga, Dharma & Wellness, where she teaches and curates programs and trainings for women.

Dr. Fromberg’s extensive and diverse background, years of clinical experience, dedication to caring well for her patients, and active interest in current research and innovation give her the opportunity to sort out complex issues and offer a range and depth of options to meet her patients’ needs. In addition to her expertise in integrative fertility, pregnancy, and birth, Dr. Fromberg applies a functional, structural, and biointelligent approach to addressing all areas of gynecology, and women’s health, and beyond. She creates unique, customized programs designed to encourage the body’s innate abilities and healing processes to flourish, addressing underlying causes and prevention in addition to symptoms.

Nutrition, movement, meaningful information, cutting edge research, alternative perspectives, and a range of potential options offer Dr. Fromberg’s patients the care, relief, and support they need while often avoiding the potential side effects and risks of pharmaceutical medications, synthetic hormones, and surgery. Dr. Fromberg takes a special interest in the complex areas of female pain, pelvic floor and sexual dysfunction from an integrative perspective. She helps women throughout the life cycle achieve optimal hormonal health, and is a bioidentical hormone expert.