
Protecting Your Core During Pregnancy and Beyond with Kim Vopni

Oct 15, 2019

Kim Vopni is a self-professed pelvic health evangelist and is known as The Vagina Coach. She is a certified fitness professional who became passionate about spreading information on pelvic health when she was pregnant with her first child.

She is a published author, a passionate speaker and women’s health educator as well as a mom to two boys.

Kim is the founder of Pelvienne Wellness Inc – a company offering pelvic health programs and coaching for women in pregnancy, motherhood and menopause. She is also the co-founder of Bellies Inc, a company focused on improving births and postpartum recoveries with the revolutionary Ab System.

You can find her on-line at www.vaginacoach.com and www.belliesinc.com and on social media @vaginacoach and @belliesinc.